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Abstract (English):
In peasant farms that keep dairy livestock, with hay feeding during the stall period, fodder beet is the most important component of ration optimization. According to generalized data [1; 2; 3; 4], the introduction of root crops into the rations of dairy cows increases milk productivity by up to 10%, feed palatability by 10–11%, organic matter digestibility by 5–8%, and nitrogen utilization by 3–5%. During the stall period, fodder beet is the main source of readily soluble carbohydrates and amino acids (asparagine, cysteine, glutamine, arginine, etc.). 1 kg of dry matter of root crops contains 12.5–12.7 MJ of metabolic energy, which is equivalent to grain crops and allows reducing the need for concentrates. A significant advantage of the crop in small businesses and subsidiary farms is its high productivity, as well as the technology of cultivation, storage and use of root crops with maximum use of manual labor.

forest zone, peasant farm, fodder beet, nutritional value, productivity, technology
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