Moscow, Russian Federation
One of the ways to increase the dietenergy for cattle snaplage — feed prepared from corn cobs with husk separated from the stalk and crushed. For the Central region of Russia, this is still a rare feed, although very promising. Unlike corn silage, its harvesting requires not only very early hybrids capable of ripening the grain to waxy ripeness before the first frost (approximately mid-September), but also special grain headers for separating the cobs from the stalks. In addition, for the snaplage technology, there are more strict requirements for the degree of grinding of grain, the use of chemical and biological preservatives, and the method of storing and sealing the feed. However, it has advantages over other technologies for preparing feed from corn, in particular corn grain. This is the absence of costs for drying grain, reducing the number of lost cobs, the possibility of using corn hybrids with greater yield potential (increasing the FAO range), harvesting at an earlier date, reducing the impact of adverse weather conditions, compatibility of grain headers with combines for harvesting corn for silage. Our article is devoted to the peculiarities of the technology for preparing snaplage from early ripening corn hybrids in the Central region of the Russian Federation.
fodder production, early-maturing corn hybrids, snaplage, harvesting time, nutritional value
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