Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Production of artificially dried feeds is the more effective method of preservation the nutritive value of initial plant mass. But this approach is expensive because of high costs of energy. In the 70–80s of the last century in Soviet Union, USA and Western Europe countries the method was very often used for preparation the natural ingredients in concentrated feeds for pigs, birds and cattle as well as for protein-vitamin additives. However, because of world energetic crisis, the volumes of production the such feeds and additives were decreased. On the current moment the demand on the artificially dried grass meal again increases as this product able to change particularly the expensive premixes and synthetic vitamins in the rations. In this trend the experience of the Limited Liability Company "ASK-GRUPP" in Ulyanovsk region is very interesting and practically important, because they produce granulated grass meal during last 10 years. The specialists of the organization have development and installed in the farm specialized line for highly temperature drying of grasses. In this study we have presented the short review of the economic activities in the LLC "ASK-GRUPP" as well as some results of researchers in Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology on the development the enhanced technology of production the artificially dried grassed feeds with high nutritive value.

grass cutting, granules, high-temperature drying, parameters of technology, row conveyor
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