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Abstract (English):
The influence of EPC-1 and EPC-2, used as part of the diets of dairy cows, as elements of the system of energy, protein and mineral nutrition, on the level of macronutrients in the blood of cows, as well as the content of dry matter, macroelements in milk, the dynamics of milk productivity of animals. Studies of biochemical parameters of blood serum were performed on a semi-automatic biochemical analyzer BS-3000M. The level of macroelements in milk was determined by the titrimetric method according to GOST ISO 12081-2013 for calcium and by the spectrometric method according to GOST 31980-2012 for phosphorus. The milk productivity of cows was determined according to the results of control milkings. Studies have established that the use of EPC in the diet of cows had an impact on the content of macroelements in the blood serum of animals, cows' milk and affects the level of dry matter in it. The severity of the established changes depends on the composition fed by EPC

cow, feed, diet, blood, milk, productivity
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