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Abstract (English):
Based on the data of field experiments and laboratory analyses, an assessment of the energy content and energy productivity of spring barley feed for single- and double-axis use in the Krasnoyarsk Territory was made. The energy content of grain does not differ significantly depending on the method of use. The best in terms of energy content is the Olenek variety: with one mowing in its grain it was 14.02 MJ/kg, with two mowing in dry matter of green mass 12.37 MJ/kg, in grain — 13.66 MJ/kg. A significant contribution of two-axis use to the growth of energy productivity of barley was found. Barley varieties were identified that exceed one mowing in terms of energy productivity with two mowing: Symbat 71.64 GJ/ha, Takmak 63.72 GJ/ha and Emelya 59.71 GJ/ha. The energy productivity of these varieties was 125.6%, 158.6% and 126.3% per mowing, respectively. The influence of the variety, year and method of use on the energy productivity of barley has been established. A greater contribution to the growth of energy productivity was provided by a slope of 32.6%, a variety of 19.9% and the interaction of factors "grade × year" of 15.3%.

barley varieties, energy content, energy productivity, one slope, two mowing
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