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Abstract (English):
In our experiment the plants of eastern goat's rue had a high humidity of 89.3% in the phase of the beginning of budding. Biological preservatives are not effective at such humidity. In the comparative aspect, we used chemical preservatives AIV 3 and VIK 3C, in different doses. Canned feed was of good quality, without mold, rot and with sufficient active acidity of 3.90–4.05. The best sugar-saving effect was observed in the variants with AIV 3 and VIK 3C at a dose of 0.6% by weight — 1.6–2.1% of sugars in the dry matter of silage. They had a minimum gas emission of 2.53 l/kg of DM, accumulation of ammonia and acetic acid. Lower consumption of sugars led to less accumulation of lactic acid, but with a sufficient pH of 3.9, this is not negative. There was no undesirable butyric acid in the feed, but other low-molecular acids were determined — valerian, malic, formic, which indicates multi-vector fermentation processes occurring in the silage from eastern goat's rue. In all canned feeds, the percent of lactic acid from the sum of basic acids was more than 75, which indicates acceptable maturation conditions. When the storage was opened, the aerobic stability of the silage was better than that of cereals (the results of previous studies). An effective option for the preparation of bulky feed from goat's rue of the eastern variety Gale is flattening the mowed mass with withering to a dry matter concentration of 27–30% and canning with the chemical preparation VIK 3C at a dose of 0.6% of the weight. The feed obtained according to this option after 45 days of storage has good organoleptic characteristics, has the required active acidity (pH 4.45 and higher), percent of lactic acid in the total of accumulated acids is more than 84, low gas emission of 0.43 l/kg of dry matter, the best of the 5 studied options, sugar preservation — up to 1.46% of DM and minimum ammonia emission of 0.145% of DM.

legumes, chemical preservatives, preservation of nutrients, lactic acid, doses of the drug
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