Molecular and genetic analysis of forage legumes (red clover, different species of lupine, and bird's-foot trefoil) was conducted using 31 combinations of SRAP markers. The informative primers were selected for each plant species to assess the genetic diversity. Parameters of interspecies and inter-varietal DNA polymorphism were estimated: effective number of alleles, Nei’s genetic diversity index and Shannon’s index. Based on the genotyping data the dendrograms of genetic similarity were constructed using UPGMA method and PCoA-analysis. As a rule the samples were combined accordingly their origin. The values of PIC (polymorphism information content) indicator were high for every studied species with variations from 0.76 in red clover to 0.81 in lupine. The results obtained confirmed the SRAP-marking method effectiveness for the genetic structure analysis of legume grasses different species, as well as for inter-varietal genetic variability evaluation. The data can be used for legume crops breeding programs enhancing.
forage legumes, molecular and genetic analysis, SRAP markers, genetic polymorphism, cluster analysis
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