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Abstract (English):
The modern concept of crop production development, focused on the biologization of agriculture, provides for an increase in the diversity of plant species and varieties used, most adapted to the conditions of specific areas of their use and providing maximum ecological and economic effect. To do this, it is necessary to intensify the selection and seed-growing work on the breeding of new varieties of herbs with the simultaneous expansion of species representation. Representatives of the genus bentgrass (Agrostis L.) have a high biological potential, cenotic activity and productive longevity when creating artificial agrocenoses for various purposes. The article analyzes the features of the taxonomic classification of the genus Agrostis, biological features of the most promising bentgrass species for economic use. In the State Register of Breeding achievements approved for use in the territory of the Russian Federation as of 2023, 8 varieties of giant bentgrass (A. gigantea Roth.), 9 — creeping bent (A. stolonifera L.) and 7 — brown top (ordinary) (A. tenuis Sibth.). The last two types are mainly used to create lawns for various purposes. The most promising Agrostis species for establishing agrocenoses for fodder use, primarily in grassland farming in the Non-Chernozem Zone, is giant bentgrass. The article presents the results of breeding work of the Federal Scientific Center "VIK named after V.R. Williams" on the development of new varieties of giant bentgrass.

bentgrass (Agrostis L.), species, breeding, varieties, yield, phytocenoses
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