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Abstract (English):
In the conditions of a small-scale experiment on a natural infectious background (Belgorod, Russia), a threefold excess of the CFU values of the rhizosphere of the Melilotus officinalis was revealed in comparison with the fallow soil, but the abundance of typical species in the rhizosphere and control was 63% and 77%, respectively. The Jacquard coefficient proved the high similarity of mycocomplexes of the rhizosphere of M. officinalis with the control (33%). The core of the rhizosphere microcomplex of sweet clover is the species Trichoderma lignorum. It is shown that the cultivation of sweet clover contributes to the improvement of the soil by reducing the proportion of pathogenic and allergenic species of micromycetes. The loss of the green mass of the sweet clover from septoria was recorded at the level of 20%.

perennial leguminous grasses, sweet clover, Melilotus officinalis, rhizosphere, mycocomplex, plant diseases, soil ecology, phytopathogens
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