The article shows the effectiveness of the use of Echinocea purpurea extract in combination with the probiotic Subtil in the feeding of broiler chickens. The nature of changes in slaughter parameters and the mass of internal organs in broiler chickens when using the studied feed additives is shown. The studies were carried out on broiler chickens of the Cobb-500 cross, in the conditions of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. It was found that the addition of echinacea purpurea extract at a dose of 5.5 mg/kg of body weight increases the mass of the semi-gutted carcass by 243.44 grams, the mass of the gutted carcass by 222.11 grams, the slaughter yield by 1.18%, the yield of edible parts increases to 198.25 grams, the yield of carcasses of category 1 increases to 14.3%. The combination of the use of echinocea extract and probiotic preparation contributes to an increase in the slaughter yield up to 1.8%, and edible parts up to 260.44 gr. from the carcass. It is recommended to introduce Echinacea purpurea extract at a dose of 5.5 mg/kg of body weight in combination with the probiotic SUBTIL-C in a dose, pre-starter and starter feeds (from birth to the age of one month) — 0.3 kg/ton, in finisher (from the age of one month to slaughter) to increase the profitability of broiler chickens — 0.15 kg/t.
Echinacea purpurea, probiotic Subtilis, slaughter indicators, broiler chickens, feeding broiler chickens, feed preparations
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