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Abstract (English):
The results of studying the effect of the level and quality of protein diets on productivity and nitrogen balance in cows are presented. The protein level in the diet and its cleavability were regulated by the composition of the concentrate mixture and by heat treatment of concentrated feed. In the first group, concentrated feeds were presented with barley dung, in the second — barley dung heated on AVM-1.5, cows of the third group received pea dung with vetch in a ratio of 50:50, the fourth — pea-vetch extruded mixture in the same ratio of 50:50. The highest milk productivity and live weight gains were obtained by feeding cows with diets with reduced protein solubility and cleavage. A comparative evaluation of the results of the efficiency calculation showed that the use of barley heated on AVM -1.5 it turned out to be the most profitable in comparison with other options. This technique contributed to obtaining high milk productivity of cows at the lowest cost of raw protein per 1 kg of natural milk, taking into account the increase. The nitrogen balance in cows of all groups during the new-body period and the mid-lactation period was positive.

protein level, protein solubility and cleavability, milk productivity, live weight gain, nitrogen balance
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