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Abstract (English):
In the conditions of the Penza region in 2021–2022 developed elements of the technology of a new variety of awnless brome Udalets when cultivated for seed purposes. We studied the sowing method (factor A) — a row at 15 cm (control) and a wide-row method with row spacings of 30 cm, 45 cm, 60 cm, as well as seeding rates (75; 90; 105; 120 plants per linear meter). According to the hydrothermal coefficient, the growing season of 2021 was characterized as dry (hydrothermal coefficient is equal to 0.8), 2022 — normal in terms of moisture supply (hydrothermal coefficient is equal to 1.0). In the year of using the herbage, the best indicators of the structure of the seed yield of awnless brome were obtained with a wide-row sowing method of 30 cm and a seeding rate of 3.50 million germinating seeds per 1 ha. At the same time, the number of productive stems was 106 pieces/m2, which is by 8.2 %; exceeds the control. The highest seed yield of awnless brome in the first year of use was formed with a wide-row sowing method at 30 cm — 824 kg/ha at a seeding rate of 3.50 million germinating seeds per 1 ha and 784 kg/ha at a sowing rate of 3.00 germinating seeds per 1 ha, the excess over the control (ordinary sowing method by 15 cm) was 106–146 kg/ha, or 15.6–21.5 %. With an ordinary method of sowing at 15 cm, a high yield was obtained in the control variant (6 million viable seeds/ha) — 678 kg/ha. With an increase or decrease in the seeding rate from the control, the seed yield decreased by 7.6–32.4 %.

awnless rump, Bromopsis inermis Leys, cultivation technology, seed yield, crop structure
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