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Abstract (English):
The article provides results of research protein content and collection in grain of 12 varieties of seed peas. The yield studied varieties of seed peas mostly did not exceed 4.0 t/ha. The exception was the varieties Salamanka (4.6 t/ha) and Thomas (4.1 t/ha). Moreover Altayskiy usaty showed a close result (3.9 t/ha). On the protein content be in the leads according to the research results, the varieties Altayskiy usaty, Varyag, Radomir, Yakhont, Svetozar (more 24,0%). At Altayskiy usaty and Yakhont in the 2021 given parameter reached 26.0%. And the varieties Altaiskiy usaty, Radomir, Varyag the protein content on all 3 years was 25.0% and more. On the protein harvesting at best results at the varieties Salamanka, Altayskiy usaty, Thomas, Nordman (more 7.0 h/ha). On 2020–2021 at the varieties Altayskiy usaty, Salamanka and Thomas given parameter exceed 10.0 h/ha. And in 2021 at Salamanka the protein harvesting was 9.9 h/ha. The influence a temperature factor, also moisture availability on the protein content the greatest in second-third decades of May, also — in first decades of June. The greatest dependence at head supply and moisture availability it was detected in varieties Kemchug, Annushka, Radomir, and Salamanka. Hydrothermal coefficient rendered analogous influence on the investigated of varieties. But as stated above the varieties Kemchug, Annushka, Radomir, Salamanka in list most hydrothermal coefficient dependented of the varieties to get Varyag. Impact of meteorological factors on the protein harvesting generally was less strong. Annushka, Radomir, Yamalskiy, Yakhont, at the same time, showed the greatest dependence from air temperature, precipitations and hydrothermal coefficient.

seed peas, yield, protein, protein content, protein harvesting, the correlation coefficient, heat supply, moisture availability, hydrothermal coefficient
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