Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the developed method, the assessment of indicators of phytosanitary potential of risk management of productivity losses of feed agroecosystems as a result of the spread of harmful organisms (pests, pathogens and weeds) in feed agroecosystems in Russia was carried out. When determining the risks of productivity losses, data on areas, yields and gross harvests of feed agroecosystems and calculations of descriptive statistics are used. In the conditions of a market economy, the quantitative volumes of possible volumes of containment of the risks of phytosanitary potential of the productivity of feed agroecosystems as a result of protective measures are determined in dynamics. Indicators of the potential risks of crop losses are calculated. (possible preservation as a result of protective measures) in field and forage crop rotations, pastures and hayfields in natural terms in tonnage and in feed units on a common territory and differentiated by groups of forage agroecosystems, taking into account the multicultural economy of Russia. The calculation indicators are proposed to be used to determine the rational levels of the total volume and the ratio of protective measures with the use of agrotechnical and chemical methods of plant protection from pests, diseases and weeds. According to generalizations and calculations in Russia for the period 2010–2020, the phytosanitary potential of containing the risks of loss of productivity of feed agroecosystems (respectively, the possibilities of protective measures), which is 9.461 million, has been determined. feed units (38.8%) with the total productivity potential of feed agroecosystems in field and feed crop rotations - 24.384 million feed units).

feed agroecosystems, agroecosystem productivity potential, feed units phytosanitary potential, risk of crop losses, harmful organisms, pests, diseases, weeds
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