A comprehensive study has been carried out to assess the productivity of perennial grasses when using soil-saving technologies in comparison with traditional tillage methods. The results of dispersion analysis showed that the value of the index of total above-ground underground and productivity of perennial grasses significantly depends on the species composition of the grass stand. It was found that the difference between the perennial fallow land and fields with perennial grasses at the use of soil-saving technologies did not exceed 13.9% in terms of total aboveground productivity. Accumulation of underground mass on the fallow plot and on plots with soil conservation technologies is approximately at the same level — 1.91 kg/m2 in the control and 1.85–2.25 (average 2.04) kg/m2 in soil conservation rotations. Alfalfa crops, providing greater aboveground productivity, are more intensive in terms of production, but less effective in increasing the organic matter content in soils compared to cereal-legume grass mixtures. In conservation agriculture it is necessary to use cereal-legume grass mixtures as more nature-like, and to increase intensification of agricultural production it is necessary to use alfalfa crops.
multicomponent grass mixtures, organic matter accumulation, productivity, analysis of variance, alfalfa, winter vetch, meadow bluegrass
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