Over the half-century since its inception, the department of zootechnical evaluation of feed and feeding of farm animals has made a significant contribution to science and production. New methods for laboratory, semi-industrial and industrial evaluation of feed have been developed and existing ones have been improved. A comprehensive assessment was given of new species and varieties of cultivated plants and feed products prepared from them. Most developments have received the status of scientific and technical documents in the form of guidelines, instructions, standards, and patents
energy value, digestibility in vivo and in vitro, continuous digestibility, pellet, briquette, sampling, fodder quality standard, Technique committee on standardization
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4. Korma. Spravochnaya kniga / Bondarev V. A., Vorob'ev E. S., Gul'cev V. S. [i dr.] / pod red. kand. s.-h. nauk M. A. Smurygina. - M. : Kolos, 1977. - 367 s.