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Abstract (English):
As a result of tests of eight variants of grass mixtures of annual fodder crops, the most productive combination of them was revealed. In particular, from two-component mixtures, higher productivity was provided by oat crops with vetch or peas in a combination of 1:1.5. Their productivity per hectare amounted to more than one ton of crude protein and more than 45 GJ of metabolic energy. At the same time, the nutritional value of haylage (45% of dry matter) in these variants, estimated by protein content and energy value (96 and 94 grams and 0.40 and 0.41 of energy feed unit, respectively), had higher indicators compared to grass mixtures in variants where the proportion of oats exceeded the proportion of legumes by one and a half times. The addition of mustard and sunflower to the herb mixture (about 5% of each crop from the seeding rate) allows you to get a feed of the same nutritional value, but with greater productivity per unit area of sowing. In particular, in these variants, 1346 and 1370 kg of crude protein, 61.7 and 57.6 GJ of metabolic energy were obtained from 1 ha. An increase in the proportion of sunflower increases the yield of vegetative mass (due to increased humidity), but leads to a decrease in productivity.

annual fodder crops, yield, nutrients, digestibility, energy value, productivity of 1 ha
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