Lobnya, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 631.531 Размножение семенами и спорами
One of the factors for increasing the stability and efficiency of bulk feed production is the diversification of species and varieties of forage crops. In the temperate climate zone, for a balanced supply of plant materials in the green conveyor system in the structure of forage areas, it is advisable to expand the areas of annual ryegrass. This requires increasing the production volumes of varietal seeds of this crop. The solution to this problem involves organizing commercial seed production of annual ryegrass in the country. Calculations show that annually in the country, annual ryegrass can be sown for forage purposes alone on an area of up to 250–285 thousand hectares or more. The potential annual need for annual ryegrass seed for forage production, taking into account the needs of utilities and landscaping, currently amounts to about 9.6 thousand tons of seeds. One of the necessary conditions for satisfying consumer demand for domestic seed material is the allocation of zones with the most favorable agroclimatic conditions, ensuring the greatest possible realization of the potential of this crop for seed productivity. For cultivation for seeds, the values of the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC) of territories are optimal within the range of 1.3–1.5. In the cultivation area, relatively sustainable production of ryegrass seeds is possible in most of the Central, Northwestern and southern areas of the Volga-Vyatka regions, as well as in the Kaliningrad region. The level and stability of obtaining high seed yields (Cv 13.3–18.5%), as well as the provision of these areas with agroclimatic resources with a probability of more than 70–80% of years, allows us to classify the selected zone as the most profitable and sustainable for commercial production of annual ryegrass seeds. In the Central Non-Black Earth Region, according to the potential of agroclimatic resources, the zone of the most effective and sustainable seed production of annual ryegrass includes the following territories: Moscow, Smolensk regions, southern areas of Yaroslavl, half of Tver, western and southern parts of Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Kaluga. In general, in these areas, the HTC values are mainly 1.3–1.4.
annual ryegrass, seeds, yield, agroecological zoning of the cultivation area, commercial seed production zones
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