Fodder production in peasant-farmers farms of the Non-Chernozem Zone: scientific support
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The soil, climate and plant resources of the forest zone of the Russian Federation are most favorable for intensive dairy and meat farming. The total area of agricultural land in the zone is about 43914 thousand hectares, including arable land 28669, hayfields 5692 and pastures 7701. With a total population of 61.5 million, there are 0.71 hectares of agricultural land per person. Such an amount of land resources makes it possible to fully provide the population, including the megacities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg with livestock and poultry products, to develop the export potential of the territories. To provide the population of the zone with food standards, it is necessary to produce more than 20 million tons of milk, 4.3 million tons of meat, 16 billion eggs. In solving this problem, an important role belongs to peasant farms, individual entrepreneurs and households of the population [1–5].

peasant-farmers farm, fodder production, animal husbandry, forest zone, scientific support
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