Natural overgrowth of long-fallow land in the Smolensk-Moscow district Central Rus-sian province of the southern taiga zone of the European part of Russia(on the example of the lands of the Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology)
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For the purpose of agroecological assessment of lands, rational agricultural land use and environmental management, the Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production &Agroecology has developed agro-landscape and ecological zoning of the Central Natural and Economic Region. Based on the results of zoning, an assessment of the land and fodder resources of the Smolensk-Moscow district is given. In order to assess the changes in the state of vegetation as a result of the natural overgrowth of long-fallow land, the authors made geobotanical descriptions for a six-year period (2012–2017) of their overgrowth. The results of the assessment of the natural overgrowth of long-fallow land can be reliably extrapolated to similar locations and habitats of vegetation within the Smolensk-Moscow District. Extrapolation is also possible on a larger scale for the conditions of the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone, where nat-ural overgrowth of deposits is one of the most important problems of agricultural production.

land, natural forage lands, geobotanical descriptions, vegetation, recommendations
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