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Abstract (English):
An important stage in the creation of varieties with economically valuable traits is the selection of parental forms that have a general and specific combination ability, adapted to the cultivation area. The crosses carried out in 2020 with the involvement of parental forms of local selection showed that in the F1 hybrid nursery, out of 29 combinations of crossing in plant height, 9 (3-20 2a, 8-20 2c, 15-20 2c, 16-2 2c, etc. ) belonged to the group of complete dominance (1–9 times). By the number of pods on the main stem, the dominance ratio over the best parent was 1.4–15 times, and the total number of pods per plant was 1.2–11.3 times due to good lateral branching with fruiting pods. In the second generation F2, the effect of the total positive action of polymeric genes was not manifested in all combinations. In terms of height, transgression was preserved in hybrids 16-20 2c, 17-20 4c, 22-20 2c, 24-20 2c at the level of 12.5–23.6% with a frequency of occurrence of 6.6–17.7%. Without dominance in F1, the effect of transgression in F2 in height was manifested in 7 combinations with a high frequency from 11.4 to 24.3%. Transgressive forms according to the number of beans on the main raceme were obtained in 6 combinations (12.5–37.5%) with the occurrence of such plants at the level of 2.7–10.5%. By the number of beans in total on the plant, 4 combinations were identified both in dominance (F1) and in the second generation (F2): 16-20 2c, 17-20 2c, 22-20 2c, 25-20 2c with a degree of positive transgression of 48.6 %, 41.1, 19.2 and 17.6%, respectively. The selected new hybrid material, together with the parental forms, is being tested in the third generation nursery.

yellow lupine, F1 and F2, parental forms, hybridization, dominance, transgression
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