Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Large livestock farms and complexes accumulate large amounts of liquid manure of varying degrees of dilution with water — semi-liquid, liquid, manure effluents. The most effective method of utilization of liquid manure is its widespread use for fertilizing meadow grass stands. The effectiveness of the use of manure effluents depends on the doses and timing of their application, the type of soil, its mechanical composition. Viktor Grigoryevich Dikarev paid considerable attention to the issues of effective and environmentally safe use of various types of organic fertilizers, their combination with mineral fertilizers on reclaimed hayfields and pastures in his research. He is a Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior researcher at the Laboratory of Irrigated Meadow Farming and Lysimetric Research at the V.R. Williams Institute of Feed in 1976–2010. He studied various types of cattle manure, the timing of its application, its use as the main fertilizer and top dressing during the growing season of herbs, its various combinations with mineral fertilizers (according to the timing and doses of application). He also studied the leaching of nutrients from the soil, in order to achieve environmental safety of the methods used to intensify grassland farming. On the basis of long-term studies on sod-podzolic medium loamy soil with low potassium and high phosphorus, the highest productivity (116.1 centner/ha of dry matter) of grass with the dominance of the awnless brome was obtained when manure drains were applied at a dose of N300R60K200 at the rate of 1/3 for the first mowing in autumn and 1/3 for the second and third mowing during the vegetation of grasses. 30% N, 70% P2O5, 100% K2O were introduced with effluents. At the same time, the collection of crude protein was 16.1 centner/ha. 30% N, 70% P2O5, 100% K2O were introduced with effluents. At the same time, the collection of crude protein was 16.1 centner/ha.

meadow farming, liquid manure, soil fertility, agro-energy assessment, agroecological assessment
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1. Dikarev V.G. Mineralogicheskij sostav podzolistyh, dernovo-podzolistyh i chernozemnyh pochv raznoj stepeni okul'turennosti i neobmennoe pogloshhenie kalija i ammonija [Mineralogical composition of podzolic, sod-podzolic and chernozem soils of varying degrees of cultivation and non-exchangeable absorption of potassium and ammonium: author's abstract Dis. … Candidate Sci. (Agr.)]. Moscow, 1970, 16 p.

2. Dikarev V.G., Poddubny N.N. Sostav pogloshhennyh osnovanij pochv razlichnoj stepeni okul'turennosti [Composition of absorbed soil bases of various degrees of cultivation]. Doklady TSKhA [TSHA reports]. Issue 144. Moscow, 1968, pp. 139-145.

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12. Kuznetsova E.I., Dikarev V.G., Grechishnikov N.N., Lukin A.Ya. Oroshenie v Nechernozem'e [Irrigation in the Non-Chernozem region]. Perspektivnye agrotehnicheskie tehnologii povyshenija kachestva kormov : doklady simpoziuma [Promising agrotechnical technologies for improving the quality of feed: Symposium reports]. Moscow, 2002, pp. 181-188.

13. V.G. Sychev, E.I. Kuznetsova, V.A. Kulakov et al. Oroshenie i primenenie udobrenij v Nechernozemnoj zone [Irrigation and application of fertilizers in the Non-Chernozem zone]. Moscow, 2004, 276 p.

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