Moscow, Russian Federation
Lobnya, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Lobnya, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to research on meadow science and meadow farming in our country. They were the primary basis for the creation of the State Meadow Institute in 1922. Throughout the history of the Institute's development, they have remained and remain among the most important priority areas of fundamental and applied scientific research carried out on State assignments. Meadow farming gives huge advantages to the whole agriculture. It is economically advantageous because it is largely based on the use of natural forces, reproducible resources. The task of improving technologies for the creation and rational use of highly productive pastures and hayfields on the basis of new varieties of grasses and new technologies in meadow farming in different areas of the country is of urgent importance. A great contribution to the development of theoretical and practical foundations of meadow science and meadow farming is made by Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor, leading scientist on meadow science and meadow farming in different regions of the country Dalkhat Malchievich Teberdiev. Together with us, he worthily continues the work of outstanding scientists of our institute V.R. Williams, A.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Larin, L.G. Ramensky, T.A. Rabotnov and others. It is necessary to further deepen and expand research on meadow science and meadow farming, more complete use of inexhaustible reproducible natural forage resources in different regions of the country.
meadow science, meadow farming, agriculture, herbs, varieties, technologies
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5. Vserossiyskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kormov imeni V.R. Vil'yamsa na sluzhbe rossiyskoy nauke i praktike / Pod red. chlena-korrespondenta Rossel'hozakademii, doktora sel'skohozyaystvennyh nauk V.M. Kosolapova i doktora geograf. nauk I.A. Trofimova. - M. : Rossel'hozakademiya, 2014. - 1031 s.