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Abstract (English):
To solve the problems posed in the Doctrine to ensure the food security of the population of Russia (2020), it is important to increase the productivity and quality of voluminous fodder on meadow hayfields. In the Federal Scientific Center "VIK named after V.R. Williams", improved technologies have been developed for the creation and use of legume-grass stands (with the participation of four legume species) using presowing inoculation of seeds with complementary strains of nodule bacteria, as well as an agricultural technique — changing the predecessor during overplanting (in order to eliminate the phenomenon of soil fatigue). Articles published in recent years (2008, 2020, 2021, 2023) show the high efficiency of the creation and use of these hayfields. Promising technologies make it possible to obtain 5.8–6.2 thousand feed units/ha with high quality hay with a content of metabolic energy of 9.13–9.65 MJ per 1 kg of dry matter and availability of digestible protein per feed unit — 118–164 g. The payback of capital investments is 1–1.5 years, and the cost of 1 feed unit is 26–30% lower than the prevailing prices for 1 kg of fodder oats. For the first time in the article, materials are presented on the impact of the developed technologies on the change in the fertility of soddy-podzolic soils of the Non-Chernozem zone.

legume-grass hayfields, productivity, feed quality, economic efficiency, changes in soil fertility
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