Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Sequencing of the metagenomes of soil samples showed that as a result of the introduction of a litter fermented with probiotics by bacteria, the phylogenetic composition of the soil microbiome was preserved, but its taxonomic structure and functionality changed due to an increase in the total number of microbiome bacteria (with different taxon activity). The experiment used a dose of biologized fresh chicken droppings — 120 t/ha, introduced by spreading for plowing, control — without organic matter. In the arable horizon of fertilized soil, an increase in the total abundance of bacteria was noted: in the 1st sampling period — from 6.9 * 107 to 1.3 * 108 copies/g of the soil of the 16S rRNA gene of bacteria, and after 30 days — from 1.6 * 107 to 1.3 * 108 copies/g. In order to ensure the environmental safety of the use of biologized litter for the environment, the presence of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora in fertilized soil and in the control was investigated, representatives of which were found in all soil samples: a higher proportion of enterobacteria was noted in the control sample (0.6%), and with litter — did not exceed 0.15%; the content of pathogenic bacteria on the fertilized background in the 1st period of soil sampling practically did not change (0.7–0.8%), but in the 2nd it sharply decreased in relation to the control (from 2.5 to 1.1%). Such a decrease in the content of pathogenic bacteria was accompanied by an increase in their numerical abundance (from 3.9 * 105 to 1.4 * 106 copies/g), mainly Pseudomonas sp. bacteria (from 2.1 * 105 to 9.3 * 105 copies/g), which is a consequence of the general increase in the abundance of bacteria in the microbiome against the background of soil enrichment with organic matter and increased soil fertility. At this stage of research, no significant negative microbiological effect of biologized fresh chicken manure on the ecological state of the soil was revealed.

pathogens, soil, biologized litter, probiotics, phylogenetic composition, metagenome
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