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Abstract (English):
Full-fledged feeding of animals is the basis for the manifestation of their genetic potential of productivity and transformation of feed nutrients into products. This is possible only with the introduction of feeds into the diets that ensure their fullness with energy, protein, minerals, vitamins in the necessary quantities and ratios. In this regard, the narrow-leaved lupin is of great interest. In terms of protein content and amino acid composition, it is almost equivalent to soy. In addition, unlike soy, lupin grain does not contain trypsin inhibitors, which allows it to be used for ruminants without pretreatment and in sufficient quantities. As a result of exploratory research, compound feeds-concentrates containing extruded grain of lupine, fodder beans (50%), flax, paisa, as well as crushed cereals were developed and tested. New recipes of compound feeds with a high content of the energy-protein complex of crops grown in the Kaliningrad region ensure high productivity of animals. In the cows of the experimental groups for 60 days of the accounting period of cows, the average daily milk yield of natural milk was higher by 2.05 and 3.27 kg. Milk of basic (3.4%) fat content was obtained by 165 kg and 265 kg, milk fat by 5.63 kg and 9.04 kg and milk protein by 4.55 kg and 6.97 kg. At the same time, their cost is significantly less than soy, sunflower and rapeseed meal purchased outside the region. Taking into account the cost of feed, additionally received from the sold products, in comparison with the control, for the I experimental group 13483 rubles and II experimental 21255 rubles, from every 15 cows.

cows of the Simmental breed, the first lactation period (10–100 days after calving), feed concentrates with lupin seeds and feed beans, biochemical blood tests, dairy productivity of cows
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