Проблемы выведения специализированных сортов для улучшения почвы в органическом земледелии России
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
Organic farming aimed at obtaining environmentally friendly food of the highest quality category is still relatively rare in Russian agriculture. Such agriculture is characterized by minimal use (up to complete abandonment of the use) of various pesticides and other agrochemicals. Tillage with such a farming system is also reduced to a minimum. At the same time, the use of siderates is of great importance. The most famous of them is seradella. But this culture is most widespread in the southern regions. In Western Europe, it has already been used for this purpose for hundreds of years. Other crops are also used on the territory of our country and these are mainly forage plants: yellow lupin, narrow-leaved lupin, white lupin, cocksfoot, pasture ryegrass, white mustard, Sarepta mustard, spring rapeseed, winter rapeseed, spring vetch, winter shaggy vetch, meadow clover and many others. To create specialized varieties for these purposes, the main thing is to select plants that will be able to suppress the development of weeds to the maximum extent, increase soil fertility and make difficult-to-dissolve nutrients available. In our country, there is a huge amount of difference in soil and climatic features (temperature, precipitation and their distribution by season, etc.); therefore, the creation of one variety of each crop for the whole country is extremely difficult. The requirements for siderates and the normal use of plants of the same crop differ dramatically. For example, the presence of prussic acid, glucosinolates and other substances toxic to animals in forage plants is unacceptable, and their presence in sideral crops is usually not harmful, but often useful. There are also differences in the requirements for the sowing rate, the rate of development and durability of such varieties. Therefore, the standards for breeding varieties intended for sideral steam or cover crops differ significantly from the requirements for the variety for other purposes – such varieties should differ in rapid seed germination, rapid growth of green mass, such varieties may not differ in durability, since they are used during one season, often they do not need winter hardiness. Work in this direction has already begun, the first specialized varieties have appeared, but for many crops this work is just beginning.

Ключевые слова:
сидераты, селекция, кормовые травы, факторы окружающей среды, повышение плодородия почвы, адаптация, семена, органическое земледелие
Список литературы

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6. Гамзиков Г. П., Сулейменов С. З. Влияние биомассы растений на азотный режим серой лесной почвы и продуктивность полевых культур // Российская сельскохозяйственная наука. – 2020. – № 4. – С. 32–36.

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8. Ряховская Н. И., Шалагина Н. М., Астафьева В. И. Однолетние сидераты – эффективный предшественник картофеля // Плодородие. – 2009. – № 5 (50). – С. 41.

9. Монастырский В. А., Бабичев А. Н. Рост, развитие сидеральных культур и их влияние на агрохимические свойства орошаемых черноземов Ростовской области // Научный журнал Российского научно-исследовательского института проблем мелиорации. – 2013. – № 2 (10). – С. 21–31.

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