Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides an analysis of the dynamic assessment of the areas of cultivation of fodder crops (perennial grasses, annual grasses, corn for silage and grain), fodder mixtures in Tatarstan in the period from 1985 to 2021. The yield of fodder crops is described and the production volumes of bulky fodder are given in the period from 2000 to 2021. An analysis is given of the dynamics of the production of milk, meat and eggs for the above period, as well as the dynamics of the livestock of animals and birds, the level of their productivity: milk, meat, egg production. It has been established that for the studied period of time in Tatarstan, the areas of cultivation of fodder crops, the yield of fodder crops, and the volume of fodder production in general have changed. This is largely due to climate change. The livestock of agricultural animals and birds has undergone changes, and their productivity has also changed. The dynamics of productivity is associated with the stability and quality of the forage base. The development of animal husbandry is due to the stability of the forage base, which is closely related to the characteristics of climate change.

feed production, feed, production volumes, animal, poultry, productivit
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