Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of feeding vitamin-herbal flour from Rhaponticum carthamoides, Onobrychis arenaria and Trifolium pratense to dairy cows in order to increase resistance to diseases of various genesis are presented. For the period 2016–2021 according to the statistics of the GVI of the Perm Region, in livestock farms of all categories, in adult cattle, various pathologies of a non-infectious nature were recorded in 45% of cases. Modern agriculture of the Perm Territory is developing on an industrial basis. At the same time, at large livestock complexes, animals are overloaded, lack of walking, exclusion of insolation, uncontrolled and unreasonable feeding of mono-feed, etc. hinders the full creation of immunity and negatively affects the physiological state of animals. Therefore, at present, the use of phytocomplexes consisting of basic biologically active substances as feed and biologically active additives is of great interest in the animal husbandry industry of the Perm Region. This will make it possible to introduce into the schemes of prevention and treatment of veterinarians an environmentally friendly means to strengthen the immunity and safety of farm animals, which will improve the quality of the products obtained. The results of the research can be used in the sectors of feeding and fodder production in farms of any form of ownership.

medicinal plants, biologically active substances, fodder production, cattle, immunomodulators, phytopharmacology, agriculture

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