The results of cultivation of sugar corn in the agricultural enterprise CJSC Pobeda of the Belgorod district of the Belgorod region are presented. As a result of the work, it was found that the yield of sweet corn depends on the timing of sowing. The yield of cobs and grains of corn of the main hybrid Royalty F1, cultivated on the farm, increased at the time of sowing, starting from the second decade of May, from 16.26 t/ha to 23.38 t/ha. The replacement of the main hybrid Royalty F1 with new hybrids led to a loss in yield of both cobs and grain yield of sugar corn for all sowing dates. According to the yield of grain from one cob, no definite dependence on the timing of sowing was noted.
sweet corn, sowing time, cob yield, grain yield
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