Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
On the production paddocks of the Mayskoye cattle farm of the Kaliningrad Research Institute of Agriculture from 1997 to 2000, over 4 years of use, the productivity of a superficially improved pasture due to the overseeding of perennial legumes and cereal grasses increased and amounted to 61.0–65.2 c/ha of dry matter, 70.2–73.7 GJ metabolic energy, 7.4–8.9 c/ha of digestible protein. Compared to grass stands, the energy intensity of nutrients decreased by 5–6 times when high doses of nitrogen were applied. The content of clovers in the pasture herbage remained at the level of 40–50%, which fully ensures the high productivity of legume-grass pasture herbage due to biological nitrogen and corresponds to the goal of the research.

pasture, surface improvement, sowing legumes, meadow clover, creeping clover

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