Improvement of hereditary drought resistance in crops is recently being among the main objectives for food security of humanity because of global warming and the growing costs for bakery and forage grain. Analysis of complex properties of drought resistance in cereal (phenotyping) shows the limitation of a canonical genocentric approach and the approaches based on molecular genetics to solve the problem of significant hereditary improvement of drought resistance. The priority epigenetic approach that we propose is based on the Theory of eco-genetic organization of quantitative traits (TEGOQT). In TEGOQT seven genetic-physiological systems (GPS) involved in harvest increasing, but not particular traits of product ivity, are to be operated with. These GPS are attractions; micro-distribution of attractive plastics substances between grains and chaff in ear; adaptability to drought, cold, frost, heat, salt, etc; horizontal immunity; ''payment'' by dry biomass for a limiting factor of soil nutrition — N, P, K, etc.; tolerance to plant density in phytocenosis; hereditary variability in duration of the phases of ontogenesis. In this paper we discuss drought adaptability as a part of GPS complex. It is shown that phenotyping evaluation is necessary to analize drought tolerance, the complex property to which no less than 22 components characters contribute.
crop cereals, fodder crops, drought resistance, phenotyping, eco-genetic nature of productivity traits, management by selection of parental pairs
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