To successfully solve the problem of vegetable protein deficiency in animal feeding and preserve soil fertility, the need for expanding the sown area under yellow lupine has been established. The results of competitive testing of varieties and varieties of yellow lupine on sandy and sandy loamy soils according to the parameters of the structural analysis of plants, resistance to diseases and grain productivity are presented. Breeding variety samples 4-12-302, 3-12-182, 5-10-84, 1-08-7-75 were obtained, with an average yield of 14.7-16.5 kg/ha, which is higher than the average standard by 2, 0-3.8 kg/ha. The grades and varieties of yellow lupine are evaluated for their resistance to anthracnose in the field. The correlation coefficients between productivity and weather conditions were calculated in the years of research, which to a greater extent (60%) affect the structural elements and productivity.
yellow lupine, varieties, productivity, resistance to anthracnose
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