Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of the main reason for the loss of the birdsfoot trefoil seed yield — destruction of beans. It was found that the biological yield of seeds reached its maximum values in the range of 308–320 kg/ha when 69–93% of the beans were browned, or 35–50 days after the beginning of flowering. The optimal period of direct threshing with pre-desiccation of the herbage with Reglon Super at a dose of 4 l / ha is a period of Browning of about 70% of the beans. This ensures the highest actual seed harvest of 191–206 kg/ha.

birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.), seed grass, destruction of beans, terms and methods of harvesting, desiccants, Reglon Super, Basta, yield, seeds, sowing qualities

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