Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Interest in liquid complex fertilizers increases in conditions of insufficient moisture during the growing season. The last four years in the Urals are dry; the values of long-term climatic norms of precipitation are not achieved. At the same time, the soils of the zone are predominantly deficient in phosphorus supply, and fertilizing with nitrogen is required. The most technologically advanced technique is foliar top dressing using sprayers. The use of liquid complex fertilizers PhosAgro (N11P37) (APALIQUA NP 11:37) containing both phosphorus and nitrogen in its composition was studied. The use of complex fertilizer APALIQUA NP 11:37 increased the wheat yield by 1.5 times compared to the control. With a single top dressing, an improvement in the quality of gluten was observed (the identified quality differentiation is 67, group I), with a double top dressing, the gluten content increased by 1.9 %, in both studied options, an increase in the natural weight of the grain was noted.

top dressing, fertilizer, grain quality, productivity, soft wheat
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