The large-flowered sweetvetch (Hedysarum grandiflorum Pall.) is a perennial beautiful-flowering plant with a narrow ecological amplitude, promising for introduction and cultivation. Under controlled conditions using the LI-6800 instrument, LI-COR, USA, the dynamics of indicators of photosynthesis intensity, transpiration and accompanying physiological processes related to gas exchange in H. grandiflorum seedling leaves under different light levels (1500, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 0 µM/m2/s) in saline conditions was studied. It has been established that photosynthetic apparatus of H. grandiflorum seedlings adapts well enough to saline conditions and significant photosynthesis suppression by 17.4 % is observed only at PAR level of 300 µM/m²/s¹. At the same time, a significant decrease in the rate of water evaporation by the surface of cotyledon leaves under the influence of salinity conditions — by 36.5–54.3 % is observed. The obtained data indicate a potentially high adaptive capacity of H. grandiflorum seedlings due to self-regulation of gas exchange processes.
salinisation, transpiration, photosynthesis, sweetvetch, gas exchange, assimilation, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration
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