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Abstract (English):
The selection of cover crops for clover when cultivating them using zero tillage allowed us to draw some preliminary conclusions. The largest number of cover crop inputs was noted on the mustard and oat varieties, the smallest — on the buckwheat and phacelia varieties; therefore, buckwheat and phacelia do not germinate well when sowed using no-till technology. In all variants of the experiment, high weediness of crops was noted, when the number of weeds at the beginning of the growing season exceeded the economic thresholds of harmfulness, and the use of herbicide during the growing season was not provided for in this experiment, since all crops, with the exception of oats, are sensitive. For clover, at the end of the entire season, the highest biomass was noted in the variants under the cover of phacelia, buckwheat and without cover, where competition is minimal.

direct sowing, cover crops, clover, technology, productivity, efficiency, result
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