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Abstract (English):
The parameters of photosynthesis, dark respiration and intercellular CO2 concentration were studied in three species of annual clovers: Trifolium resupinatum, T. alexandrinum, T. incarnatum. Significant differences in the parameters of the rate of carbon dioxide assimilation between the studied species were established in the experiment. The maximum value of dark respiration and CO2 assimilation rate was observed in the seedling leaves of T. alexandrinum seedlings. The equations of light curves of CO2 assimilation and intercellular CO2 concentration were calculated. High approximation coefficients were found: from 0.945 to 0.989 for photosynthesis light curves; from 0.683 to 0.983 for intercellular CO2 concentrations.

Trifolium resupinatum, Trifolium alexandrinum, Trifolium incarnatum, photosynthesis, dark respiration, intercellular CO2 concentration
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