LDR 84736nam#a2205305#i#450# 001 1614 005 20241018125050.5 008 _ 20190430d2019####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-91850-003-3 041 0# _$aRUS 044 ## _$axxu 080 ## _$aБиологические науки. 57 084 ## _$aОбщая биология. 280 _2bbk 100 #1 _$aChesnokov, Yuriy Valentinovich _$aFederal State Budgetary Institution "Agrophysical Research Institute" 100 #1 _$aKocherina, Natalia Viktorovna _$aFederal State Budgetary Institution "Agrophysical Research Institute" 100 #1 _$aKosolapov, Vladimir Mihaylovich _$aFederal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology 245 00 _$aMolecular markers in population genetics and breeding of cultivated plants _$cMonography 260 1# _$aLobnya _$bFederal Williams Research Center of Forage Production and Agroecology _$c2019 300 ## _$a200 p. 500 ## _$aInformation on the use of molecular and traditional genetic markers in population genetics and breeding of agricultural plants is presented. An assessment of the level of diversity in populations is given using different types of markers, both at the level of alleles and at the level of individual nucleotides, including the measurement of differentiation within different marker systems. The relationship between molecular divergence, phenotypic divergence and co-origin described. The factors affecting the reliable determination of quantitative trait loci highlighted. Special attention is paid to the mapping of Mendelian genes. Special attention paid to the physiological and biochemical characteristics and their role in the manifestation and identification of economically valuable properties of cultivated plant species. Information is provided on the main hardware and software commonly used to conduct statistical calculations and establish a disequilibrium of marker/trait linking in populations. The purpose of the main computer programs, the most widely used for genetic mapping and establishing a marker / trait association, is briefly discussed. _$amolecular markers, genetic markers, alleles, nucleotides _$a10.33814/monography_1614 510 0# _$aArtem'eva A.M., Chesnokov Yu.V., Kloke E. Morfologo-geograficheskiy i molekulyarno-geneticheskiy analiz kollekcii belokochannoy kapusty VIR. Doklady Rossiyskoy Akademii Sel'skohozyaystvennyh Nauk. 2008. 5: 14-18. 510 0# _$aArtem'eva A.M., Chesnokov Yu.V., Kloke E. Geneticheskoe razno-obrazie i vnutrividovye filogeneticheskie vzaimootnosheniya kul'tur vida Brassica rapa L. po rezul'tatam analiza mikrosatel-litov. Informacionnyy Vestnik VOGiS. 2008. 12(4): 608-619. 510 0# _$aVavilov N.I. Zakon gomologicheskih ryadov v nasledstvennoy iz-menchivosti. M.-L. 1935. 510 0# _$aVishnyakova M.A., Burlyaeva M.O., Alpat'eva N.V., Chesno-kov Yu.V. RAPD-analiz vidovogo polimorfizma roda China (Lathyrus L.) sem. Fabaceae Lindl. 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